Sunair Industrial - Distributor for Schrader A/C Products Sunair Industrial - Distributor for Schrader A/C Products

Ready To Order From Sunair Industrial?

We are pleased that you want to do business with Sunair Industrial.
If you are an existing customer then just call us at (800) 831-6301.
If you are a new customer, to order from us is as easy as 1,2,3.
1. Please complete and submit the following online form: 2. Please fill out and send back the Texas Resale Tax Exemption Form. Email to or fax to 817-222-7800. The form is an interactive PDF from. You can fill out the form direcly online and then save it to your computer and email it as an attachment to us or fill it out and print it and fax to us. Click here to open the form.

Texas Sales and Use Resale Certificate
Company Name:
Your Name:
Company Address:
City, State, Zip:
Phone Number:
Fax Number:
Email Address:
Type of Business:
Years in Business:
Website Address:
  security code
Enter Security Code:

3. Tell us how you want to pay. We take Visa, MasterCard, Discover, & American Express as payment, and can set you up with open terms if you would like. To apply for open terms, please fill out the credit application and send it back to or fax to 817-222-7800. The form is an interactive PDF from. You can fill out the form direcly online and then save it to your computer and email it as an attachment to us or fill it out and print it and fax to us. Click here to open the form. Sunair Industrial Credit Application